Our views:
In a recent interview to MIT SMR, Jay Forrester father of system dynamics and inventor of the RAM (random-access memory) said that present problems of the world are due to the culture that says growth is good and can go on for ever. He said it was wrong to say if you stagnate, if you don’t grow, you will fail. Only if you don’t maintain a system with proper management policies will you fail. All you have to do is to learn how to manage a successful non-growing company, something that is not taught in management schools. You have to find a way to maintain the vitality, to maintain some product improvement, but do it with a fixed demand on environment.
As a matter of fact it is possibly easier to manage an efficient non-growing company than a ever growing bloated behemoth. It is not only more sustainable but also more profitable for the shareholders if the company takes lesser risk and lesser debts and still gives steady returns year after year. All you have to do is cut redundancy and monitor your operations and profitability closely. Also you have to convince shareholders that ever increasing returns is not always sustainable and steady returns helps company stability and long term health.
This is our opinion
We could be wrong. Tell us if we are & why? We encourage diverse opininon
even if it is from commercially interested groups opposed to our thinking.
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