Articles by ecothrust at Technorati Headline Animator

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It is only a small difference From GREED to GREEN.... your attitude

Our views:
There is a very little difference from GREED to GREEN.... only one letter and your attitude .
Your attitude to the want more waste more culture and increasingly more consumption and growth models, the faulty and outdated Keyenesian economic theories our Governments pursue. Is growth the only way. Cannot economic contraction be managed efficiently to lessen human misery. Cannot not wastage be minimised & optimum utilisation of resources be an alternative growth model . Is the Fed decision to print 1 $ Trillion paper money to buy Treasury bonds right. Is the Treasury decision right to use the money to lend & convince investors to purchase the toxic assets .... the same securitized toxic mortgage assets shunned by global investors and lapped up by the wall street biggies that brought down Freddie, Fannie, Citi & AIG.
But it is not only the Governments following Keyenesian economics to blame. The corporate world, we consumers and individuals are all to blame for this mess. However it is only one word that seperates GREED from GREEN..... and a little change of your attitude. Ask yourself 10 simple questions and you will find it is easy to change.

This is our opinion
We could be wrong. Tell us if we are & why? We encourage diverse opininon
even if it is from commercially interested groups opposed to our thinking.

1 comment:

  1. The system we have adopted without malice was one past to us by our forebears. We cannot change the past but we can and must influence the future or become morally bankrupt and accountable to those who come after us. The system of today is destined for demise. Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
    Cree Indian Prophecy.

    The Rise and Fall of Man
