Articles by ecothrust at Technorati Headline Animator

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Climate Change must develop a Profit Plan

Our view:

Over the last 15 years there has been a lot of discussion on Climate Change and a vocal but rather negetive consesus on how to penalise those who are causing large carbon emissions. Not that it has really affected or dettered the big 4 users of fossil fuel , U.S., China, Australia and India from increasing their use of coal or oil for their energy needs. On the contrary it has rather made it all the more difficult to carve out a more profitable positive path of resource mobilisation to pursue the reduction of GHG.

People at the climate change forums are so engrossed in carbon credits and carbon tarrifs that it will become like the intoxicating derivative trade in the climate change arena and take away the focus from real needs. So instead of developing the 3 most likely solutions ( solar, wind energy and rainforest plantation)that can reduce GHG the focus will be to create a carbon trading market that can spin paper money. It is something akin to the toxic derivatives market stealing the pie away from real banking first to baloon it to megaprofits and them to flatten it to desperation.

It is time that the IPCC spend some time now to develop a profit plan and chalk out the investment required to make these 3 solutions economically feasible on a large scale and therefore cost-competitive. People want economical solutions and you can't keep blaming the fossil fuel industry if you can't develop an alternative cost-competative plan to match. The high demand areas of the emerging economies and the technological and financial strength of the developed nations must be leveraged along with a structured financing plan by the WB & IMF to make all nations sing happily to a profitable plan to develop the earth as well as clean it up.

We have initial estimates to believe that a sustained investment of only $ 200 billion each year may be enough for the purpose of achieving the GHG targets by 2020 if only these 3 solutions are pursued instead of a myraid of possibilities, some absurd and ridiculuously expensive. currently being discussed at global climate change forums. However development of a feasibility plan by energy specialists ( consultants who are pre-qualified and have set up large energy projects with WB funding ) which ensures development, growth and reduction in GHG levels requires to be formulated immediately..... a profit plan that will have all pushing for its success.

In this blog from ecology to economy we discuss practices that are efficient and sustainable for a clean, safe and a better world.
We could be wrong. Tell us if we are & why? We encourage diverse opinion even if it is from commercially interested groups opposed to our thinking.

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