Articles by ecothrust at Technorati Headline Animator

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Climate Change needs simple solutions.... not carbon trading

Our View:
Climate Change requires 3 simple solutions. The key lies in Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Rainforest Plantations Projects. These are user friendly, cost effective, provide largescale employment and could solve the Green House Gasses problem over a 10 year span. The only hurdle to their mass adoptation is the availablity of finance for their large scale implementation, that could bring down their costs further and make it cheaper than fossil fuel.

Over the last 15 years the IPCC has been discussing various issues of climate change and brought several important dimensions in spotlight that were unknown previously. Mankind is also slowly learning to realise that the human energy dependence on fossil fuel is causing global warming faster then any other single factor and must be replaced in the long run. However in absence of a proper technology route map there is no definate time bound solution in sight. We are still discussing carbon credits and tarriffs, GHG penalities, energy and carbon derivatives and issues knowing fully well that they are only modalities and not end solutions. In short we are trying to plan out various multi lane and multi layer high ways without deciding our destination.
It is perhaps more appropriate that a technology route map first is first finalised, getting nations to agree and collaborate on a few core solutions that can really solve GHG problems.

We must first understand human nature to create a feasible technology route map for implementation. Humans want cheap, user friendly solutions which they understand and can implement for long term profits . They also do not like the idea of being penalised for actions related to survival or ecomomic growth.

What would be a technology route map. It would be a concrete time bound project plan with technology solutions identified and a time bound goal. Solutions like SOLAR ENERGY, WIND ENERGY and RAINFOREST PLANTATION which are most likely to solve the GHG problems in a 10 year time span. Ofcourse there would be many others but climate change talks can't keep chasing wild buffaloes eternally. It is time to shoot the closest and take home the spoils.

The IPCC must draw up the Technology Route Map based on these 3 solutions quickly and get nations to agree across the table. It must be a positive document that draws out the pluses of cross-continental human collaboration in tapping energy demands, technology strengths, finance prowess and cheap manpower, economic growth and profit motivation . It should perhaps also steer clear of all negetive discussions on carbon tarrifs, GHG penalties etc. , which any way cannot be enforced on nuclear powered sovereign nations that are huge demand centres and are already superpowers or aspiring to be global economic giants. For they simply won't let anyone hurt their interests, whatever be the overbearing logic.

It is also natural for humans to have a profit motivation. Europe and the U.S. have both the technology and the finances to implement largescale technology solutions in solar and windpower or in rainforest projects across the globe. However they don't have the real need to put up these in their own nations as they already have enough installed capacity. They would be only too happy to invest in other parts of the world if they have a guaranteed return on investment, intellectual property safegaurds, and a healthy streamlined political and economic climate that facilitates such projects on a long term basis. If you don't let them earn long term profits by using their superior manufacturing technology they will use their financial acumen and bring in concepts like carbon trading, GHG tarrifs, energy derivatives and hijack the platform, to that they can profit from the trade route if not from the end solution.

To enable climate change discussions to really bear fruit, the IPCC must therefore draw out a clear route map of how to finance and implement the 3 technology solutions, namely solar energy projects, wind power projects and rainforest implementation projects in a large scale.
If required they must call in the World Bank & IMF for a quick appraisal of the route map. Preliminary research shows that a annual investment of $200 billion for the next 10 years would be adequate if the focus is kept on just these 3 solutions , and the rich and the emerging economies are engaged in a fruitful cross-continental collaboration to step up the volumes.
If they can do so keeping the growth needs of emerging economies and the profit needs of the developed world well balanced, we can easily have a win win solution for all and a green and rapidly developing world by 2020.

We could be wrong. Tell us if we are & why? We encourage diverse opinion even if it is from commercially interested groups against our view

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