Friday, December 4, 2009

Burying Kyoto at Copenhagen

Big money talks. Especially when coming from the world’s second largest industry block “The Coal & Oil lobby” who control the world’s energy industry and the policy matters that govern our planet earth. Politicians will gather at Copenhagen to toe their line early next week to bury the Kyoto pact with a new mumbo jumbo draft on emissions curbs from the hosts Denmark.

There will be the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd who in a flush of election victory last year first announced ratification and adherence to Kyoto and then was made to eat humble pie by the coal lobby. Australia being the biggest exporter of coal worldwide with a record 42 % emission rise since 1990 due to its aggressive high carbon industry was made to propose the burial of the Kyoto pact , a pact that this very same Rudd Government had ratified only a few months ago.

President Obama had however no such illusions as Mr Rudd that he could chart out his own energy policy. He well understood his limitations as the home to the biggest oil lobby . He agreed to use his personal goodwill to sell to the people a voluminous, badly drafted and poorly edited the American Clean Energy act 2009 which has left out clean energy in the cold and instead lionised CCS or Carbon Sequestering CCS Clean Coal which is a favoured product of the fossil fuel lobby.

Obama also dutifully put his weight behind the back of Kevin Rudd proposal
in order to sabotage the Kyoto pact which had been embarrassing U.S. Australia, Canada, Japan , and a few other industrial giants, the main culprits who pushed more carbon into the system, as the world was trying to cut carbon. Under severe attack as the world’s biggest polluter the Aussie proposal went into the backburner and out came a rehashed proposal from the Organisers. The Danish proposal not only suggested that all countries be brought under a new common charter of emissions, scrapping the earlier 5% carbon cut targets of Kyoto by the 37 industrial nations, but also put up a new clause of 2025 as the peak year emission clause, a negotiating bunny that would be dropped on the way as concessions to China and India the biggest emerging economies.

But China and India having now learned the tricks of international bargaining closed ranks immediately and rejected the proposal pulling in the weight of Brazil and South Africa behind them creating a bigger more powerful block called BASIC in the closing stages, weeks before the Copenhagen summit.

The Sponsorship in Climate change Conferences of Chevron, Shell, BP, Exxon, Australian Coal Association and Americas Power, National Mining Association , U.S. Oil & Gas Association, Texas Oil and Gas Association, Alberta Oil, besides dozens of energy equipment manufacturers in the fossil fuel segment
is truly unbelievable as they are all investing in protection of their future against new pretenders to throne of the energy industry, the renewables .
So the real war in climate change is not between America and China, the rich world and the emerging economies but between the fossil fuel lobby and the renewable energy newcomers who are still struggling with their birth pangs.

By now the fossil fuel lobby which incidentally sponsors most climate change conferences and climate change researches all over the world was very sure of what it wanted at the Copenhagen summit. Since the objective of Copenhagen was to do nothing but negate Kyoto and complicate future of capping, a new plan was to be brought out.

The thinking caps were put on, the thought leaders brought in to create yet another term to the lime light as the negotiators wanted some face saving solutions to save the day. The term emission is itself difficult to measure and impossible to track accurately Not only did it add a half a dozen new gasses to Carbon whose calculation and tracking has taken more than fifteen years and is still not accurately measured, but the fact is that all GHG releases are not yet measurable in large quantities and in outdoor applications anywhere in the world. Adding to this complexity China and India were allowed a lifeline additional; lifeline called emission intensity / carbon intensity which made it even more complex than to measure emissions.

Thus the deal to bury Kyoto was to be conceived at Copenhagen as reported a fortnight ago at . Australia, U.S. could now raise carbon emissions freely as Carbon emissions will no longer be a benchmark and GHG emissions will take a decade to monitor. The Danes had their face saving Obama visit to Copenhagen and a bonhomie meet of world leaders agreeing on doing nothing at the Conference. The Chinese & Indians got a new word emission intensity to play about with for a decade and the oil lobby managed to keep out talk of investment and directly funding of clean energy projects as the African and Asian groups had initially demanded. Only planet earth lost out as the Copenhagen prepared for the celebrations.

Others in our Series of Presentations on Clean Energy Positive Solutions.
COP 15 : Bullshitting 15 Yrs on climate change
13,000 + views at slide share.

The Imelda Story of Cap & feed , & the planet tales of cap& trade on U tube

Cap & Trade Energy Mathematics now on U tube Why we must not talk emissions but walk on the path of renewables

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