Thursday, December 10, 2009

Copenhagen’s Danish cow to produce costly bullshit : Any takers

The Copenhagen circus continues to get bizarre. The powerful Oil and Coal lobbies which had sponsored the Australian draft of “Burying Kyoto at Copenhagen” hit the first roadblock when China and India refused to budge.
The lobby wanted to the ease the heat on tracking carbon emissions which were directly pointing fingers at fossil fuels, chiefly coal besides oil and gas. The use of the word emissions would make the exercise vague and wide-ranging and not focus on carbon, coal and oil and also help the aggressive consumers and sellers of coal and oil like Australia, U.S. and Canada.

Who benefitted most as carbon emissions rose and few nations willingly and knowingly defied the Kyoto emission caps ? That should not be too difficult to guess, as there are a few nations where the lobbies control the democracies , and political leaders are mere puppets. Understandably these nations raised the first bogey of burying Kyoto and replacing it with a new emissions agreement that would include all 192 countries to make issues more unmanageable and confusing. It is not coincidental that Rudd proposed and Obama seconded as Australia recorded a 42% rise in Co2 emissions in the period 1990-2007 period as per UNFCC . Canada and U.S. follow with 29% & 20% rise

With China and India rejecting the Australian deal summarily, the lobby got down to deal making quickly. Big money has ways of moving through the corridors of power to make deals and India were ridiculously offered a carrot, a seat in the U.N. Security Council to accept the bogus emission deal. This was followed by high level meets with President Obama to convince that the deal makers had the backing of the U.S. President himself. Soon Hu and Ramesh had been convinced about the Aussie deal now to be rehashed by the hosts Denmark. The G7 would anyway get its big reprieve the day an accord was reached to bury Kyoto, for barring a few nations like Germany and France nobody took Kyoto seriously. Understandably carbon emissions rose in the G7 by 3% instead of dropping by 5 % as per Kyoto
To get China & India to agree, some new innovative buzz words like emission intensity cleverly created by the thought leadership segments at one of the worlds major consultancies were used to cover the real level of commitment.

Thus the rehashed deal by the Danish Government appealed to the lobbies, as it took the heat off the word carbon cap replacing it with emissions cap.
It helped the U.S. and the G7 to go scot free on the promises of Kyoto since that was anyway to be trashed at Copenhagen. It provided the escape route for China and India by using the emission intensity targets that would be anyway difficult to measure. It even offered a measly $ 10 billion aid as carrots to the poor countries as a development fund for climate change which was promptly rejected by Sudan the leader of the African group who rightly said “ This measly amount will not pay for even the Coffins of our dead”

The real punch of the emissions deal was dealt out by the International Energy agency IEC. The new climate change bill rehashed to curb emissions as per the Danish Copenhagen accord would cost the world $ 10 trillion as reported in the NYT . Surely the Danish Cow produced costly bull shit ! The agency which again is another face of the oil and coal lobby further supports this bullshit with the assurance that the costs are to be spread out and ramped up from 2010-2030 and will be offset by economic benefits in new jobs , improved lives, reduced dangers of climate catastrophe. What it did not say was that its estimates were based on trillions of dollars to be funded on unviable projects like Clean Coal CCS and Emissions Trading which will help the fossil fuel industry to immensely profit and win in its war against the renewable energy. Surely direct funding of the renewable energy would be cheaper

1 comment:

  1. Hey glad to find you here. India would really like that security council seat, no? Our government would do almost anything for it. But it's not going to solve our environmental problems.

    Things are not going well, on the whole!
