Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why G7 wants Emission measurement as the benchmark.


Measurement of emission is a tricky business for it leaves no traces after the act. Nobody can cross –check your emission measurement at a later date because pollutants are not stored but discharged into the thin airs i.e. the atmosphere.

Emission reports are easy to fudge. As a matter of fact plant operatives are used to regularly tweaking emission reports all over world by using simple devices like bypass valves or by simply tweaking the monitoring reports. During my thirty years experience at utility companies and petro-chemical units , as a designer , a consultant, and later as a manufacturer I have witnessed hundreds of cases of fudging emission reports. However whereas plant level fudging is commonplace to avoid detection by pollution inspectors and environmental agencies country level fudging has started of late on a very large scale, soon after the Kyoto Protocol.

This has occurred typically for countries which have much to hide, the mega-polluters of the world were the oil and coal lobby control almost everything from politicians, to judiciary, to bureaucracy and even the media.

Who are these mega polluters of the world. As per UNFCCC reports the maximum rise in pollution between 1990 to 2007 has been noticed in the case of 3 nations Australia 42% rise, Canada 25%, U.S. 20% . Whereas the Australian Greens has charged the Rudd Govt of trying to vook the books especially in the reporting of emissions from rural lands caused by bush fires and drought. it is understood that the U.S. manipul;ation of data is much more broadbased and particularly industry based. A lot of Emission data that was available freely at websites a few years ago have been erased or replaced. However there is no opposition voice in U.S. to catch Governments failure and the oil and coal lobby continuously manipulate such data. Some interesting data of the top polluters per capita emission basis are as under

Country  % Rise of Footprint
Emission: CO2T /person
United States 20% : 29
Australia 42% : 21
Canada 29% : 20
Switzerland 2% : 18
Finland 21% : 18
Netherlands 8% : 17
Belgium Nil : 17
Ireland 40% : 16
Cyprus N.A. : 16
United Kingdom - 6% : 15
Denmark - 7% : 15


UNFCCC Clamate Change Data http://bit.ly/4AgTL6
for Percentage Emission rise between 1990 to 2006 and
Norwegian Institute Of Science & Technology
NTNU http://tinyurl.com/yfk9hmw for Carbon Footprint.

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