Sunday, January 17, 2010

Move over boys and girls, the men are here: the future of climate negotiations and why India wants the Accord | India Environment Portal

Climate watcher and scientist activist Sunita Narain the Director of CSE in India environmental portal observes directional changes in the Climate Change talks. It is true that the failure of COP15 and the signing of the OBAMA BASIC deal heralds a turning point in climate talks. The start of a climate fund is the first post of this new journey. The challenge is to make it a large base camp for profitable excursions into renewable energy and distinctively away from fossil fuels.

Let us not forget that low cost and profitable solutions will keep governing the choice of the man on the street, and if we cannot reach him, the COP agreements will remain paper tigers, and emission cheats will take over the world.

Move over boys and girls, the men are here: the future of climate negotiations and why India wants the Accord | India Environment Portal

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1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed Sunita Narain's post.

    I agree we need low cost solutions. But what happens if the current economic order cannot find a way to profit off of a low-carbon economy? Or what if the rate of profit falls in the short term? Is GDP and profit the only measures by which we measure success? If a large GDP in the short term leads to eventual environmental, economic and social collapse, is it worth it?

    The most recent historical research suggests slavery was profitable, that it led to growth in GDP!

    Again, I'm all for low cost, green solutions, but I don't thing a business as usual approach to fixing the ecology will work!
