Sunday, July 11, 2010

The story from BP's Oil spill videos

NASA and various other private individuals and NGO's have filmed the BP Oil spill from the space as well as from close range.Some of the most astonishing Videos on the BP Oil Spill have a single conclusion that this oil flowing into the ocean will be mixed with the ocean water and not ever be pumped out from the surface of the seas. That the situation is totally out of control and is in much worse shape then one month ago as far as environmental damage is concerned. This means there is month to month detoriaration in the situation and not any improvement as the adminstration and BP would like one to believe. That it is not only marine life that are being affected in the area but also young children are bearing the effects of oil toxicity
Add to it the huge carbon emissions when the oil is burned at high seas that will ultimately have its effect around the Gulf coast polluting the atmosphere for months to come.

It is very strange that an independant and more competent team than the present one is not being deployed by the US adminstration. Possibly they are being mislead by BP and the oil industry about the extent of damage and the mounting public anger against the fact that very little is being done about it actually. People are quite tired of the science fiction BP is feeding through its video footage to make the technicality of a pipe leak look like a complex outer space exploration. A lot of people understand the science behind repairing a pipe leak and it will be impossible to convince people that the problem is unsurmountable. The only way is to take away the command control of mitigation away from BP and select a competent team from all over the world to do the job. Let BP only pay the bill and watch what other competent engineers are able to achieve in weeks not months.

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