Friday, September 24, 2010

Google Says Bing Is Top Threat, Not Apple Or Facebook !!!

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has clarified in an interview to Allan Murray of Wall Street Journal several issues about which the media had been speculating last month in various forums, but still several doubts remain.

We had also written at the Internet Search Engine Database blog on these issue and that Apple Not FB is Google's Big Threat . Eric Schmidt under some intense cross questioning by WSJ stated that he still believes that Bing is the main competitor to Google not Apple or Facebook . This is perhaps an old strategy to acknowledge the presence of the weaker competitor who lags behind Google in market share and not talk about those who lead Google in the social media or mobile phone segment. We had also written about the ambiguity of Google's pact with Verizon on the two tier usage of wireless devices and the concept of the much discussed net-neutrality Bill, a fortnight ago in this blog. Schmidt clarified that there is no discussion or agreement on net neutrality. On the Google China dispute, Schmidt agreed but played down the fact that Google had ultimately agreed to China's censorship laws and was a bit apprehensive of future restrictions. We are giving the video link below and links of our articles above to help our readers review the issues concerned

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