Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is Cancun Climate Change Conference Relevant ?

Is a climate change conference relevant today without a roadmap of change? The change to renewable energy substituting the fossil fuels of today? It is high time that the COP conferences get less vague and drop the political posturing and start having more definative objectives in harnessing resources for alternative energy.
Come December it is time for the annual jamboree on Climate Change. The COP 16. This time it is Cancun in Mexico. Though the hoopla is much lesser than the COP 15 Conference at Denmark, there have been 5 meets already to settle the agenda. The preliminary discussions once again have been controversial and contentious. Little was achieved at the three meets at Bonn Germany or the two meets later in China.

Western Europe was caught up with its own financial troubles and the Obama administration was battling other issues and had neither the majority, nor the will power to push its clean energy bill and convert it to a law. All they wanted was to get out of the Kyoto commitments which has become limiting as it does not have a roadmap or sanction beyond 2012

Almost a year has passed since the Copenhagen climate change conference showed up the flaws of the existing lines of dialogue between nations on Climate Change. The faulty concepts of Carbon Trading that had been implanted and were damaging the cause of renewable energy was exposed in Copenhagen.

For 15 years the UNFCC and the Governments of sovereign nations spent billions of dollars discussing and implementing Cap and Trade. They had little to show in actual emission reduction or even a transparent policy for its implementation. Still the politicians, the bureaucrats, the scientists and the economists love the annual winter jamboree as it gives a lot to talk about without doing anything worthwhile.

The big question today is whether the entire exercise is worthwhile unless a new stake holder, the renewable energy industry is brought into the frame work of negotiations? Is it worth talking and spending billions of dollars on mega-conferences without looking at the real solutions. Why are we still discussing limiting carbon instead of setting targets on creating renewable energy solutions?

The present lines of discussion at the climate change conferences do not hinge on bringing about a positive change . COP conferences still remains a negetive containment plan discussion. Nobody wants to discuss a plan for fuel change from fossil to renewable energy at the COP jumborees.

It is still shadow boxing game on who is to blame.Who should bear the historic responsibilty,how to manipulate the figures to appear clean. What should be formula of emission control, how to sell the bluff of carbon credits, talk of sharing emission cut responsibilities, financial support and technology transfer.

Could we leave out all the crap and discuss only the financial and technolgy transfer plan of renewable energy from the rich nations to the mass markets, so that volume production for mass markets could bring about disruptive changes in pricing. Nothing else is needed. It has to be street economics that works, not financial jugglery.

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