Friday, October 1, 2010

So Google Lost The China Battle !!

Most of us knew that after 6 months of strong arm resistance to avoid censorship of Google in China, the internet search giant acceeded to the dragon's terms and conditions when the renewal of ISP licence in China came up a few months ago. However the reasons behind this complete surrender by Google after taking up a principled stand against China were revealed first time by Google CEO Eric Schmidt himself to Emmy award winning journalist Charlie Rose of Bloomberg Business Week early this week.

Charlie Rose : What did you learn from Google's experience in China?
Eric Schmidt : The thing you learn about China is...Chinese citizens are very clever, very creative, and the Chinese government is very, very powerful.

Charlie Rose : So you didn't change government censorship policies by being there?
Eric Schmidt : The evidence is clear that our entry did not alter censorship policies whatsoever. Negotiating, Charlie, doesn't work with the Chinese.

There are many lessons to be learnt in Google's fight with China, the first one is that China is able to push through its viewpoint due to dogged resistance from both the Government as well as the Chinese people.
It is not only the communist Government you have to fear when you confront China but also its people who solidly back the party ideology. Google lost its market share to Baidu the Chinese search engine along with most of its mainland China staff and adsense agents besides goodwill of the chinese people in its principled fight against censorship and rampant piracy .

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