Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jan Lokpal Bill For Removing Corruption May Face Rough Seas

When a 73 year old freedom fighter and ex-soldier Anna Hazare went on a hunger strike to force Government of India's decision on the Jan Lokpal bill,  he build huge expectations. The youth came out in hundreds along with other activists to support the octogenarian Gandhian engaged in a do-or-die  battle against the corruption ridden system. The Government involved in over half a dozen major scams was under tremendous pressure from CAG the independent Government Audit Body, the Supreme Court and the media.

The Indian Prime Minister the erudite ex- World Bank / IMF economist cut a sorry figure both inside and outside the Parliament lamely defending the corrupt politicians of his party for omissions and scandals that ran into billions of Rupees. Still the people against whom the needle of suspicion pointed to, the discredited trio of Sharad Pawar , Suresh Kalmadi and Shiela Dixit remained in their seats without the Government controlled CBI even interrogating them. Not only did they brazenly continue in their official positions, but the CWG Chief Kalmadi even issued statements challenging the prosecutors to take action against him as he had done nothing wrong. It is again such brazen confidence of corrupt ministers who were sure that the existing laws could not catch them angered the people and activists alike.

It was due to rampant corruption that Anna Hazare got instant public support when he started fasting for implementation of the Jan Lokpal Anti corruption bill that has been pending for 48 years.The Government pushed on the back foot agreed to the involvement of social activists in framing the bill. However the going by the various statements of several ministers and politicians supporting the Congress Party there seems to be a diabolic move to include  more politicians in the process and get the bill bogged down in the implementation phase. The Jan Lokpal bill is only taking its first infant steps and is a long way off from its final goal of freeing India from corruption.


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