Indian politics and Cinema are closely linked. A few months ago India's iconic star the 68 year old Amitabh Bachhan put in a power packed performance in a Bollywood thriller "Buddha hoga tera baap". Known for his role as the angry young man in his youth the superstar once again won the moviegoers hearts with a striking message...don't mess with the golden oldies !
Barely had the euphoria of the movie subsided a 74 year old social activist from rural India Anna Hazare took the nation by storm piloting his anti-corruption bill stir backed by millions of urban youth , students, tech savvy executives and young housewives. It was a new phenomenon. An aged but mentally and physically agile rural leader becoming an urban youth icon. As per a latest Nielsen poll Anna scored 78% against a completely outclassed 17% of popularity votes scored by UPA youth icon Rahul Gandhi who successor of the Nehru Gandhi family
The UPA Government dogged by multiple scams that had tarnished its image took Anna's 'India Against Corruption' movement as a personal affront and a attack on its mandate to rule the nation for a 5 year period... much like a feudal ruler. Unfortunately it found to its dismay that democracy does not give a mandate to rule without accountability for any period. The people were out in the streets in millions driving the Government and the parliamentarians who thought they were sovereign , not the constitution, to the back foot time and again.
As the brinkmanship continued the septuagenarian took up his promised fast despite a farcical arrest that ended in boosting his image and support to iconic proportions. However as his fast entered the 8th day
it was apparent that the UPA Government was in a stupor and had stopped thinking and acting. There were just no serious negotiations and nobody understood the catastrophic consequence that would grip the nation
in case something happened to the 74 year old fasting Gandhian. As a risk analyst the worst case scenario needed to be put forth. My article What Happens If Anna Dies ? in the Economic Times was written in that spirit to shake up a Government which did not understand the consequence of its stupor and inaction. Though I was criticized by many including my sister saying 'Shub Shub Bolo' I believe that it was necessary to tell the nation about the impasse the politicians were leading us to.... that ultimately led to a much delayed 12th day resolution. Anna however broke his fast only a day later after daybreak showing that he was in full control even after a 12 day fast and that Anna was the real baap !
Indian politics and Cinema are closely linked. A few months ago India's iconic star the 68 year old Amitabh Bachhan put in a power packed performance in a Bollywood thriller "Buddha hoga tera baap". Known for his role as the angry young man in his youth the superstar once again won the moviegoers hearts with a striking message...don't mess with the golden oldies !
Barely had the euphoria of the movie subsided a 74 year old social activist from rural India Anna Hazare took the nation by storm piloting his anti-corruption bill stir backed by millions of urban youth , students, tech savvy executives and young housewives. It was a new phenomenon. An aged but mentally and physically agile rural leader becoming an urban youth icon. As per a latest Nielsen poll Anna scored 78% against a completely outclassed 17% of popularity votes scored by UPA youth icon Rahul Gandhi who successor of the Nehru Gandhi family
The UPA Government dogged by multiple scams that had tarnished its image took Anna's 'India Against Corruption' movement as a personal affront and a attack on its mandate to rule the nation for a 5 year period... much like a feudal ruler. Unfortunately it found to its dismay that democracy does not give a mandate to rule without accountability for any period. The people were out in the streets in millions driving the Government and the parliamentarians who thought they were sovereign , not the constitution, to the back foot time and again.
As the brinkmanship continued the septuagenarian took up his promised fast despite a farcical arrest that ended in boosting his image and support to iconic proportions. However as his fast entered the 8th day
it was apparent that the UPA Government was in a stupor and had stopped thinking and acting. There were just no serious negotiations and nobody understood the catastrophic consequence that would grip the nation
in case something happened to the 74 year old fasting Gandhian. As a risk analyst the worst case scenario needed to be put forth. My article What Happens If Anna Dies ? in the Economic Times was written in that spirit to shake up a Government which did not understand the consequence of its stupor and inaction. Though I was criticized by many including my sister saying 'Shub Shub Bolo' I believe that it was necessary to tell the nation about the impasse the politicians were leading us to.... that ultimately led to a much delayed 12th day resolution. Anna however broke his fast only a day later after daybreak showing that he was in full control even after a 12 day fast and that Anna was the real baap !
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