Thursday, November 17, 2011

Restructuring Ahoy !

Readers of this blog we have news to give !  We are working at a total restructuring so that you would get more value added material at ECO and other places...... The things are a bit scattered now and need consolidation.
So each week we will bring here a window of all our published and re-published work  at various forums
........ and much keep watching and finding out what is new and how it is evolving up to January 2012

                              The Week that was:  44 of 2011
                                  ( Oct 31 To Nov6) 

Facebook, Netflix Look beyond US    

Published in ISEdb Ohio dated Nov 2
Facebook and Netflix announced this week major expansions outside the US. While Facebook has grown rapidly Netflix lost 800,000 users in the last quarter but both have similar needs to step outside the US. The principal reason has been the fast expansion of social networking outside the US not only in the rich nations of Europe and Japan but also across the emerging economies of populous Asia. Now both sites want to capture the benefits of globalization like their more successful peers Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Apple.                                                                       For more read
Is Greek Referendum to Prevent Fine Print Manipulations?    

Published in Technorati San Francisco dated Nov 3
Fine print manipulations are the order of the day in Bank agreements. Nobody knows it better than George Papandreou who was not long ago fed with one such version by the IIF led banking lobby in the July  tripartite agreement with Greece not so long ago. Reuter’s analyst Hugo Dixon had then reported that the Greek debt would actually increase by Euro 31 billion and push up debt to GDP ratio to179% if the original version was retained.                                                          For more read

Google, KBC and Innovative Free Education                                       

Published in Economic Times New Delhi dated Nov 3
Last month internet search engine giant Google roped in publishing big daddy Pearson to launch its free internet based education called Google Open Class. The LMS or 'Learning Management System' shall be developed by Pearson, and distributed through Google 'apps for education' a document sharing service. Besides being free the 'Open Class' will be capable of spreading education through the Android operating system for mobile users. This will enhance the scalability of distant education through the internet and bring in the bottom of the pyramid segment who cannot afford high quality schools           For more read

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