Articles by ecothrust at Technorati Headline Animator

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why renewable energy gets a poor share of climate funds

There is something bogus about the way the world goes about paying its lip service to climate change. There is very little time, space and resources demarcated for clean energy. Energy is basically a technology subject. Whether it is energy from oil, gas or coal  or from solar panels or wind turbines, it remains very much a technology regime that is highly complex and  rapidly modernising . An area where specialists with decades of realtime  experience in the field are needed to make any significant and worthwhile contribution. Unfortunately in most  global policy forums there are few technolgists present ,the arena being usually dominated by Bankers, financers, economists and even social activists,none of whom understand the subject of energy or how to bring about a smooth and rapid transition from conventional to clean energy

Due to the fact that climate change discussions are in the hands of non-technical persons posing as experts, it has become a farce with all types of solutions today that have no relevance to renewable energy occupying the same spotlight as solar or wind energy. Biofuels and clean coal technolgy are few examples of such
pretenders stealing the limelight and scarce finance from the real renewables. Biofuels are not renewable energy because it consumes scarce land resources and water, fertilizer and power for every crop cycle and a capital intensive process to convert into fuel.Yet the energy industry is trying to pass it on as a renewable energy source and extract subsidies from pliant politicians. Same is the case with clean coal technology, a failed concept that is still tecieving investment and subsidies from several OECD majors thanks to the clout of the fossil fuel producers in the energy industry .

As a result of such anamolies the real clean energy options like solar and wind energy get only 30% of the global subsidies allocated supposedly for sustainable development of energy. While the fossil fuel industry gets subsidies of over  $400 billion annually the actual subsidy allocation for renewable energy is just over $20 billion,though nearly $60 billion of subsidies are spent on sustainable energy development that includes several non-productive or unrelated areas that should have been normally excluded from the subsidy lists.
This is the prime reason why renewable energy gets a poor share of climate funds and has been unable to reduce costs and expand volumes significantly.   

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