Articles by ecothrust at Technorati Headline Animator

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sustainable, profitable rainforests by Tree avalanching

Our Views :
Tree avalanching is a new and powerful concept to create a sustainable rain forest habitat providing both bio-diversity as well as economic and commercial feasibilty. Massive rainforest depletion in the third world ( South America, Africa, and Asia) during the last century has been primarily due to the following reasons :
1) Commercial interests to log hardwood by large timber companies
2) Creation of single species plantations for monocrops for the paper or palm oil industry.
3) Local population pressure to log for firewood & animal livestock

Tree avalanching is a concept by which conservationists like the Eco Preservation Society and the Borneo Orangutan survival foundation are creating rain forests with bio-diversity whose hardwood will be partly sold to buy more land and create more rainforests. It addresses 3 major problems with that have been the cause of forest depletion.

1) Creates a segment for commercial logging of hardwood which creates revenue
2) Uses local population to plant hundreds of different plant sapling creating employment
3) Uses revenue from hardwood for buying more land for more rainforests

It would be nice if we all could be actively part of this great campaign
For more details on the subject visit

This is our opinionWe could be wrong. Tell us if we are & why?
We encourage diverse opininoneven if it is from commercially
interested groups opposed to our thinking.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%, thanks for sharing this information. Looking forward to more.
